Cheryl Greer wrote me a very excited email on Sunday, February 22. She had just arrived home from an agility weekend in Decatur, AL. Her Loteki Total Windfall earned his MXP on Saturday.
It was a wonderful accomplishment that few probably would understand, but Cheryl and I know from where Felix came, so we and a few other friends, know what an accomplishment this is. Felix had to overcome a very serious brain injury as a young dog. He had very serious physical issues to over come, Cheryl has believed in Felix and worked hard to make this happen. Cheryl wrote, "Felix finished his MXP yesterday (10 qualifying scores in Excellent B Standard Preferred) and, as I promised him, I didn't show him today in Standard. He can now run Jumpers only and continue to add to his MJP2 title (he has 6 legs now towards his MJP3). He finished his title yesterday with a double Q and 2 blue ribbons. Our boy is now Loteki Total Windfall RE MXP MJP2 but those titles are so much more than letters." Wow, that brings more tears, I cried when I read the email the first time and I am weeping yet again. I am so proud.
Cheryl showed Jackson who got his 4th MX leg on Sunday and a 4th place. He qualified in Jumpers on Saturday also!
It was a very good weekend!
Hi there! I actually saw that run but had no idea the story behind it! In fact I was talking to Cheryl about papillons at some point that weekend because I'm looking for a different breed for agility. I've always been incredibly impressed with her dogs and asked who the breeder was. And having been in conformation for 10 years, of course I recognized the name! You must be very proud!