Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New titles, MACH points and

Rusty with all his ribbons
Judith Klotz (MO) and Rusty (Loteki Im Buddy Crocker) completed his Beginners Novice title this past Friday with yet another first place at the North St. Louis Obedience Club.  I am very proud of Judith, as this is the first dog she exhibited! 

A very tired Snoopy with his loot from the dog shows
On Saturday and Sunday, Judith took her young boy, Snoopy (Loteki Erediti Ilvento) to his first dog show, where he earned 1st place both days and two legs towards his Beginner's Novice title!  Way to go, Judith and boys!  It is great to see new people get into the sport!  I am very proud of Judith and her boys.

Cheryl Brown (TN) had another successful weekend at the agility trials.  Jackson earned 30 plus MACH points!  Great job!  Cheryl is working deligently with Jackson, and the other boys!

Cheryl's friends had a party for Felix for earning his PAX on Sunday.  There was a beautiful cake that had Felix on it.  Felix thought the cake was yummy!

I had a busy week with company from Proctor, MN and Toyko, Japan.  Kelli Alseth drove down for a visit on Sunday.  It was wonderful to have Kelli here and just hang out.  On Monday, Taeko Suga arrived.  It is her second visit to Iowa, this time in the heat of summer.  We were able to sit and visit in the mornings and evenings.  On Tuesday we made a trip to the Amanas.  When Taeko was here several years ago we went to see the Field Of Dreams, which is located just 60 minutes north of me.  We had a wonderful time although all too short. 

Taeko and Hillary at the airport
Taeko returned to Japan with GCh Loteki Down The Garden Path.  It was hard letting Hillary go, but I know what a wonderful home she will have with Taeko and her family. 

Isn't this a photo that melts your heart?

On Friday, I had to make one of those very tough decisions to help an old friend, CH Loteki The Colors In The Wind passed on.  He had been a fisty boy for most of his life.  In the past week he wagged less and did not let us know what was on his mind so much.  Meeko was used very little, but did produce the fabulous three tri girl litter out of CH Loteki By Good Fortune. 

This past weekend we were busy with Sophia visiting.  She stayed overnight both Friday and Saturday night.  She really enjoys the dogs and being out doors.  We took her to the dog show in Iowa City for a short time.  She was full of questions and seemed to enjoy the adventure.  She found this straw hat of mine and wore it everywhere!

We are preparing for really hot humid weather starting today!  I'm thankful I am not off to dog shows, but can enjoy the air conditioning. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Obedience and Agility news

Jane Terry (MD) wrote that she and Loteki Good To Go CD earned second place on his first Open A leg this past Saturday.  He earned first on his second leg with a score of 193 on Sunday! 
Molly & Pippin

Alexander was the first dog in the ring.  Barry Palmer was watching and thought his score should have been higher, as did I. Alexander was great! He was a maniac! Everyone stopped to watch him! He is a terrific little showman and very stylish!

Amy Nesselrodt, DVM wrote that daughter, Molly and Pippin earned their coveted Excellent Jupers Preferred title on Sunday, June 10th, at the Williamsport Dog Training Club Agility Trial!!  With a FIRST PLACE!!!!Pippin is now Loteki High Flyer NA NJ OAP XAP!

They had a lovely run and a super fast time in spite of the heat. They placed first in their class also! Ice-cream for all when we were done!

Congratulations to this young handler! Way to go!!!  

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Felix has a great weekend! Sophia does too!

Cheryl Brown (TN) had a great weekend in Louisville.  She writes, "I've almost recovered now from my trip to Louisville and need to sit down and write about Felix. If ever a dog deserved a brag, it's this one.

You know his story so I don't need to talk about that. You understand all that he has had to overcome and how much heart this little boy must have to be able to have done all of this. It brings tears to my eyes. He just tries so hard every time you ask you to do something.

Anyway, I had a feeling that Friday might be his day. There was something different about him. I got him out to be with me ring side and was feeding him treats. We must have done this hundreds of times before. This time, he was rearing up on his hind legs to get the treats. I have never seen him do that. Jackson does it. Spencer will do it. Fee doesn't. He politely waits for his treats or he will put his front paws on my legs maybe if he is really wanting a treat. This seemed different.

He likes the kind of surface they have at the Derby City site. It's nice padded astroturf and it must be easier to run on for him. The courses looked promising. There were pinwheels but they were loose ones and the courses were such that I could get to the outside and run. Fee likes me to run as hard as I can run and he then strides to stay up with me. Running in place or running slowly on the inside has never worked with him. These courses looked good. And, they were!

Felix, the two judges and Cheryl - all very happy!
In Standard, Fee ran the course 5 seconds under Preferred course time (which means he ran it in Regular course time). For Fee, that is fast! In Jumpers, his weaves were slower but accurate (as always) and he crossed the finish line jump 1 second under his Preferred course time. PAX!!!!!!!!!!

I picked him up and kissed him. Yes, there were tears and not only mine. Friends were tearing up too. They knew his story and had watched us together for years. They understood what this meant, what he means to me, and how much I love him and wanted this last title for my wonderful wonderful Fee.

It will be so strange not be run him anymore. But, I wanted him to finish like this, stretching out and running, beautiful ear fringe flying behind him, and a smile on his face. Thank you, Fee.

Felix will continue to train with me weekly at class and I'll run him in Teacup Agility. He's well on his way to his TACh5 there.

So, Felix is now Loteki Total Windfall BN RAE PAX MXP3 MJP5 and in TDAA TACh4. I think that's the right order, obedience, rally, agility."

Here is Felix YouTube video link -

Fee has been a story of heart.  I tear up thinking of what he has been through and how he quietly and faithfully comes through.  Congratulations to Cheryl and many hugs, kisses and treats for Felix!

Terry and I had a busy weekend at home.  Friday was Terry's nephew, Austin's graduation party.  What a fabulous party, great food and decorations! 

Sophia on stage at her dance recital
Then off to Sophia's dance recital, which was really fun.  The parking was crazy but the costumes and the music was great and of course, the performances were wonderful.  So many talented kids! 

Saturday we went again and really enjoyed the show again!

We had our furnace blow up on the Sunday before Memorial Day, so a new furnace was installed this week. 

Our orange and white tabby was missing for several days, turned up Tuesday with some very obvious injuries, the main one is a broken jaw, so we are nursing him.  Poor Al, such a sweet cat and he looks so rough, but he is loving and sweet, so how could we not try.  Keeping my fingers crossed. 

To top it all off I have been dealing with an infection on my jaw - really odd, terrible to look at, very uncomfortable and it is going away all too slow, considering how quickly it developed. 

All in all life is good, little bumps.  Saturday is the last ACT for the testing year and then, I will have 8 weeks off.  Lots to accomplish!  I'm looking forward to it on many levels and not so much on one or two others!  Puppies to watch grow and train, a garden to keep, as well as all my flowers!  I'll be busy for certain!
