Monday, November 28, 2011

Obedience, Agility and Conformation

Jeannine Rash was excited to report that OTCh CH Loteki Ima Firecracker UDX went to a trial on Saturday, November 19th with some great results!!   Nicholas won Utility with a 198.  He earned a second in Open with a 197.  He was HIT AND High Combined!  He garnered 22 OTCH points.  He is now ahead of Jeffrey (OTCh CH Loteki Surprise Party UDX) for all time Toy dog OTCH points. He's number 14.

Jeannine is only person to have 3 dogs in the top 15 for Toys.  Way to go Jeannine!

Gordita finishing with another major
Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving, Cheryl Brown and her boys had a great weekend at agility trials in Huntville, AL.  Jackson double Q'ed both days!  Fee Q'ed in JWW and was clean and two seconds over time in Standard on Saturday, but double Q'ed on Friday! 

Gordita finished her championship with yet another major this past Saturday at the Lake Shore KC.  Sunday she won her first major for her grand championship!  Yea Gordita, she is such a little show girl.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Snow, Snow and more blowing snow

Tomorrow dawned WINTER!  After an absolute picture perfect fall that lasted for weeks, this morning the snow is blowing and the ground is covered in white.

I have neglected to post results for several weeks, but will try to catch up a bit.

The weekend of October 29 and 30th, Chery Brown (TN) went to agility trials in Paducah, KY.  She enjoyed a great weekend with her boys with lots of good news to report.  Cheryl reports, "Jackson was 4 for 4, 2 QQ's towards his MACH. He is now half way there--10 QQ's and almost half the points he needs. He got Second place yesterday in Excellent Standard! Really proud of that. There were faster dogs there but they didn't Q. We had a really hard obstacle discrimination. Yellow tunnel under the dog walk with the opening right beside (and I mean right beside!) the yellow contact area of the dog walk. We sent the dogs through the tunnel, out to wrap a jump and then had to get the dog walk. 70% of the dogs in the entire Excellent class too a wrong course into that tunnel. (Fee did too!) Jackson didn't!

Felix (Loteki Total Windfall RAE MXP2 MJP4) had a great weekend too! He was 3 for 4 with only that wrong course into that tunnel as a NQ. He QQ'ed today. He was the only 4" dog to qualify all weekend so he got 3 blue ribbons. ;) He now has 11 QQ's towards his PAX." 
Congratulations, Cheryl!
