Sunday, February 27, 2011


Felix earned is TACh3 title with is first run on Saturday!  WOW! 

Chery Brown (TN) writes - "Both boys were perfect today and Q'ed in all 4 of their runs. Jackson got one 1st place in Standard, a 2nd place in Standard, and a 3rd place in one of the two games. Fee got a 3rd place on the Standard where Jackson got the 1st place. Most of the dogs there didn't Q on that course but my guys did. :)
Judge with Cheryl & TACh3 Felix!

We have 4 more runs tomorrow. Both guys are working on their TACh4 titles. I was thinking that my goal for Fee was a TACh3 but he has that and I see no reason to stop running him. He is perfectly fine. Great knees. Healthy. I think he likes it. He comes right out of the crate to do his runs and dances back to his crate for his treat. So, TACh4, here we come! We need 25 Standard Q's and 25 Games Q's for that. I think he can get it this year."

Way to go FELIX, JACKSON and Cheryl!!  Congratulations!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Agility news

From Cheryl Brown (TN) - "We went to agility trials last weekend in Cumming, GA.  Her Loteki Total Windfall, a.k.a., Felix needed 5 Standard Q's and 3 Games Q's for his TACh3. There were 6 Standards offered and 4 Games. So, Fee had to Q in Standard 5 of the 6 runs and in all 3 of the Games to finish his title.

Saturday, Fee Q'ed the first game, Connect the Dots. He Q'ed the first Standard run. He Q'ed the second Standard run. He Q'ed the next game, Quidditch. Then, he was 2 seconds overtime in the 3rd Standard run. The pressure was on. He had to be perfect on Sunday to get the title.

Jackson with his HIT rosette

On Sunday, the first class was his third game. He had to Q. It was Dare to Double or Triple where the A-frame is the doubling obstacle and the weaves are the tripling obstacle. Felix is as reliable as the day is long and will never miss a weave pole. But, he isn't fast so we went for the triple. I planned to do the weaves three times and then head across the ring over one jump and then the A-frame and to the table to stop the clock. Great strategy for Fee and he would have Q'ed and made time. Then, the brain glitch occurred! After the weaves, Fee went around the jump and I let him. He took the A-frame and another jump and went to the table. NQ! AAAAARGH! The rules (that I forgot) said that you had to take an obstacle between the tripling and the doubling obstacles. So, he had to take that jump. If I had been thinking (and I wasn't), I could have gone back and fixed it and asked him again to take the jump, then take the A-frame and we would still have had enough time to Q. ALL MY FAULT!

Then, he Q'ed on the next two Standard runs. So, he needed one Standard and one Game for the title. Do I enter him in the distance challenge game to see if he can do it and keep alive the possibility of the TACh3 yesterday? I looked at the course. I walked the course. I decided that I didn't want to be so far away from Fee on the A-frame without being able to be in front of him. So, no TACh3 yesterday. He Q'ed the last Standard run of the day. So, that one brain glitch cost him the title yesterday. He was perfect. I wasn't.

Another trial next weekend, he should Q on the first game and get his TACh3.

Jackson had a great weekend too. He also went 7 for 9 with two Standard first places and he went High in Trial on Saturday."

Sounds like a great weekend to me!  I hope your next trial is successful and Felix earns his TACh3!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Nicholas continues his winning ways

Jeannine Rash (PA), wrote about trials the last weekend in January.  OTCh CH Loteki Ima Firecracker, UDX, a.k.a. Nicholas won Utility.  The win was worth 10 OTCH points. OTCh CH Loteki Surprise Party UDX2, a.k.a. Jeffrey only was shown in Open, he won second. 

Saturday, January 29th, there were rally classes with Loteki Ima Cupcake, a.k.a. Chloe made her debut. She won the class  a perfect score over 17-18 dogs.  Way to go Chloe!

Judge with Keith's shoes on!
Nicholas won Utility B with a 198 and a 199.5 in Open.  We had a run off for first with my coach Betsy Scapicchio and her golden, both dogs, made no mistakes with Betsy's golden winning the run off. 

The judge arrived and found that his shoes which were new, made a loud noise when he walked on our flooring.   He ended up wearing Keith's sneakers and when we did stays Jeffrey ran away from his spot--something he's never doen and he's 9 1/2 and went to sniff his "dad's" shoes on this weird guy--the judge.  Everyone was laughing.  I had two students finish their UD's and another got a 198 in Novice and a Novice A won both her classes this weekend.  Nicholas went High Combined with a 397.5 out of 400--his best high Combined score yet. 

The weekend of February 19th and 20th, Nicholas won 5 more OTCH points.  He let out and excited whine on the gloves which madecost him first in Utility.  He was sliding all over the place.  He was worse in Open and went skidding a couple of feet every time he did anything.  He was so excited and cute! 
