Tuesday, December 6, 2011


GR CH Nelson
This past weekend I went to the Edwardsville KC shows in Belleville, IL.  I left after work on Friday and made the drive down.  No weather to deal with which for the first weekend in December is remarkable.

Saturday morning, I groomed Nelson and Promise and off to the show.
Promise, (Chanceux On My Word) won WB for two points under judge Michelle Billings, as well, as BOW.  A large class of specials were in for BOB, CH Loteki For The Good Of Mankind won the Select Male, completing the requirements for his Grand Championship!   I was so very pleased. 

The weather was down right balmy all day Saturday with temperature at 8 p.m. at  58 degrees.  But showers started about 9.  The kids and I snuggled in for the evening.

Sunday morning, it was still raining and much colder.  Papillons did not show until 2:10 p.m., so it was a lazy start to the day.  Our judge on Sunday was Randy Garren, we were lucky to bring home the bitch points again with Promise.  The BOB class was huge with all entries making it to the show, Nelson won the Select Dog points. 

It was a very good weekend.  The rain stopped long enough to potty dogs.  I made my way north and home.  I am home for the rest of the year.  Christmas is less than 3 short weeks away and I have all my shopping, baking and preparing to do.  I work so well under pressure!  <ggg>


Monday, November 28, 2011

Obedience, Agility and Conformation

Jeannine Rash was excited to report that OTCh CH Loteki Ima Firecracker UDX went to a trial on Saturday, November 19th with some great results!!   Nicholas won Utility with a 198.  He earned a second in Open with a 197.  He was HIT AND High Combined!  He garnered 22 OTCH points.  He is now ahead of Jeffrey (OTCh CH Loteki Surprise Party UDX) for all time Toy dog OTCH points. He's number 14.

Jeannine is only person to have 3 dogs in the top 15 for Toys.  Way to go Jeannine!

Gordita finishing with another major
Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving, Cheryl Brown and her boys had a great weekend at agility trials in Huntville, AL.  Jackson double Q'ed both days!  Fee Q'ed in JWW and was clean and two seconds over time in Standard on Saturday, but double Q'ed on Friday! 

Gordita finished her championship with yet another major this past Saturday at the Lake Shore KC.  Sunday she won her first major for her grand championship!  Yea Gordita, she is such a little show girl.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Snow, Snow and more blowing snow

Tomorrow dawned WINTER!  After an absolute picture perfect fall that lasted for weeks, this morning the snow is blowing and the ground is covered in white.

I have neglected to post results for several weeks, but will try to catch up a bit.

The weekend of October 29 and 30th, Chery Brown (TN) went to agility trials in Paducah, KY.  She enjoyed a great weekend with her boys with lots of good news to report.  Cheryl reports, "Jackson was 4 for 4, 2 QQ's towards his MACH. He is now half way there--10 QQ's and almost half the points he needs. He got Second place yesterday in Excellent Standard! Really proud of that. There were faster dogs there but they didn't Q. We had a really hard obstacle discrimination. Yellow tunnel under the dog walk with the opening right beside (and I mean right beside!) the yellow contact area of the dog walk. We sent the dogs through the tunnel, out to wrap a jump and then had to get the dog walk. 70% of the dogs in the entire Excellent class too a wrong course into that tunnel. (Fee did too!) Jackson didn't!

Felix (Loteki Total Windfall RAE MXP2 MJP4) had a great weekend too! He was 3 for 4 with only that wrong course into that tunnel as a NQ. He QQ'ed today. He was the only 4" dog to qualify all weekend so he got 3 blue ribbons. ;) He now has 11 QQ's towards his PAX." 
Congratulations, Cheryl!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Lots of news to report for the past several weeks, I cannot believe how my days disappear and I have still a list of things to do! I'm need to work back from mid-September to present.

From September 25, Jeannine Rash (PA) wrote "Nicholas won Utility B with a 198.5 and HIT. He got 20 OTCH points!!

September 30 was a doubly bad day for news as I had an email concerning, Loteki Totally Windswept, a.k.a. Felicia, had passed away on the way home from the vet.  It was not expected and truly a sad for Jill and Steve, who have provided Felicia with a wonderful life in her retirement. 

I received a second email that CH Loteki Her Royal Highness had passed away also.  Kristin Meyer gave Xena a fabulous life.  I know there is a huge hole in your heart.  Both of these lovely ladies were so very special.  Felicia sweet as the day is long.  Xena lived up to her name in such a way and a fabulous show dog, with multiple group placements.  They just do not live long enough for us!
On October 1st, Jeannine Rash wrote that Nicholas (OTCh CH Loteki I'ma Firecracker UDX) won yet another Utility B class and a second in Open for High Combined. 
Amy Nesselrodt (PA) wrote that daughter, Molly (12) and Flyer (Loteki High Flyer, NA NAJ NAP NJP OJP) completed their Open Standard Preferred title in the rain and the muck at the Wine Country circuit in Finger Lakes, NY over the first weekend in October.  Molly and Pippin are quite a team!  Congratulations!

Mary Waller (MN) wrote Gunny (Loteki Just Blew Into Town, UD) had a good weekend in Utility.  Gunny earned a 197 for 3rd place 197.5 for 1st in Open B at the Total Recall training facility in Hugo, MN.

Cheryl Brown was excited to report that CH Loteki The Winds Of Change got his first grand champion points at the Saturday Murfeesboro KC show - FOUR POINTS!  She is very excited!

Nashville Dog Training Club agility trial on October 9,  Jackson did Q in JWW.  The star was Mr. Fee!  Fee stretched out and ran and was 3 full seconds under his coursetime. Fee is now Loteki Total Windfall RAE MXP MJP4

I went to the Chihuahua National in Hoffman Estates, IL (a suburb of Chicago) over the weekend.  I enjoyed myself immensely.  Gordita did well winning second in her sweeps and her regular class. 

CH Style
Finally, I went to shows this past weekend in Mason City with positive results.  Saturday, Chanceux On My Word was WB for a point.  CH Loteki For The Good Of Mankind, a.k.a. Nelson, won the Select for another point towards his grand championship title.  Sunday, WB/BOW was Loteki It's A Good Hair Day to FINISH!!!  YEA!  Champion number two for Nelson out of his first litter.  She is the third champion for her dam, CH Loteki The Wind In My Hair.  Nelson was Select again on Sunday for yet another point towards his grand.  It was a beautiful day although a bit windy, the sun shined both days.  What a lovely fall we are having.

I hope I did not forget anything.  I shouldn't let things go so long! 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A lot of news

Where does the time go?  I have been so busy with going back to work that I have not taken the time to blog!

Vendi @ 9 months
Terry came home from fishing and I left for Minnesota for shows after work.  We came home with two more points on Loteki Raffica Di Vento, a.k.a.Vendi and a BOB with Asia.  It was the last group on Sunday, so it was late by the time I got home. 

Cheryl Brown wrote of their 4th agility trial in the month of August and with good results!  Saturday, Jackson did QQ for his 7th QQ towards MACH. Felix qualified in Standard and got 3rd place in the 4" Preferred class.

Sunday, Felix qualified again in Standard Preferred with another 3rd place. Jackson qualified in JWW.  Check out their video -

Labor Day weekend, Meg Peifer visited for the four days at the Amanas.  Friday, Asia was Best of Breed, nothing in the group, unfortunately.  Saturday dawned gray and threatening.  The heavens opened up and downpoured for quite some time.  We had opted not to show to the judge that day, but I did get 10 eye checks done all with positive reports.  We watched the Pap in the group and came home to gear up for Sunday.

Sunday morning, up early to bath dogs and get breakfast ready to take over to the Amanas for the Papillon exhibitors, fresh blueberry muffins and ham and egg casserole, along with fresh coffee.  Papillons were just afternoon.  We were lucky to win WB with my Chanceux On My Word (a.k.a. Promise) for her first two points.  Back to the tent to get lunch on and then the Papillon Club of Iowa annual meeting, both of which went well. 

I did two mini-seminars on trimming feet and how to measure your dog and then get things ready for a Papillon match and potluck.  I judged the match with 6 puppies entered and two adults.  What fun we had and then back to the set up and a wonderful supper of roasted chicken, greek salad, party potatoes, and a wonderful squash casserole.  What a lovely day.  We left the show grounds 11 hours after arriving, but what a nice day.
Molly and Pippin with their 'loot'
Monday, we again had fresh blueberry muffins, sausage and egg casserole and fresh coffee.  We stayed and supported the Papillon in the group and arrived home exhausted. 

News from Pennsylvania from Amy Nesselrodt, her daughter, Molly and Pippin (Loteki High Flyer) ran their first excellent level run with a first place and a Q.  On September 3, at the Berks County DTC Agility Trial, Molly and Pippin ran again with another first place and a Q!  What a fabulous young team! 

This past week was busy at work with our first test on Saturday.  Sunday, Terry and I drove to Des Moines for the show.  We were happy to come home with a major on Promise! 

Cheryl Brown wrote that she and the 'boys' went to a TDAA trial where Felix earned his TACH4!!! with his first run on Saturday!  They had a great day with  Jackson 5 for 5 Q's/runs. He got 1st place on his first run and then 2nd and then 3rd. The building heated up as the day wore on and the sun poured in. Jackson is not a hot weather dog. He hung in there though and did it for me. Good good boy!

Sunday, Felix was entered in only 4 runs with a perfect day 4 runs and 4Qs.  So, he now has 4 Standard Q's and 1 Game Q towards a TACh5.  Way to go!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weekend News

Cheryl Brown attended AKC agility in Evansville, IN this past Friday and Saturday held by the Agility Club of Evansville. On Friday, Felix (Loteki Total Windfall RAE MXP MJP3) double Q'ed for his 8th PAX leg with two first places. Jackson Q'ed (Ch Loteki Civil Liberties CD RAE MX MXJ) and won  4th place in Jumpers.
Saturday, Fee Q'ed in JWW.Fee DQ again!!! 9 th PAX leg!
Jeannine Rash (PA) wrote the York County Dog Training Club held their trial on Friday. Nicholas (OTCh CH Loteki Ima Firecracker UDX, OM2) won Utility with a 199.5. He now has 212 OTCH points and is #15 all time toy.
Jeannine's other boy, OTCH CH Loteki Surprise Party UDX, OM2, a.ka. Jeffrey is 14th, so now he has to go after that. Nicholas was wonderful in Open too but on the last 5 seconds he went down on the sit. Nicholas did go HIT on Friday.
The big news really is Willie. Cecelia McCann, (Jeannine's sister), showed Willie (Up And Down's Head Over Heels RN) to his first leg in Beginner Novice B--a new optional titling class. Everyone in the building knew Willie so we were all holding our breath when he did the sit for exam! He kept looking for me, but she'd get him refocussed. He had a wonderful and fast recall! He got a huge round of applause--biggest of the day when he finished. Cecelia cried she was so happy and relieved.  (Willie is my CH Up And Down's High Society's littermate.)
Jeffrey finished his Rally Advanced title winning the class with a 99. He got a little out of control after jumping but that is the only point he has ever lost in rally.
Chloe (Loteki Ima Cupcake) won her Rally Nov B class with a perfect 100.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Teacup Agility News

Cheryl Brown (TN) had a great weekend at Greater St Louis Agility Club TDAA trial in Caseyville, IL.  With 9 runs and 9 qualifying scores for Felix over the weekend and Jackson had 8 of 9 qualifying scores!  That is great news!

Felix needs just one more Games qualifying score to get his TACh4!  Way to go!  More agility news in the near future I am sure!

News from Rochester, NY, and Tracy Hancock, "Jillie passed her Canine Good Citizen test the first time through!!!! We worked hard to practice for this and my little Jillie pulled it off. I am so very proud of her!" 

August 14th was my grandson's, Adam, 12th birthday!  Where does the time go!  We had a fun time at Terry's brother's pool.  It was perfect weather and the kids had a great time.  We all had a great time!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Grand Champion

Ms. Asia on the move
What a lovely Saturday morning it is!  Cool and dry!  There is a lot to accomplish today and hopefully I will get some of it done!
I just checked the AKC site and Ms. Asia, Loteki In The Heat Of The Moment is now a Grand Champion!  Her record is 6 majors to complete her title.  I cannot wait to start entering her as GCH Loteki In The Heat Of The Moment!  She has two group placements in a very limited career - since the end of June when she completed her championship and not going every weekend!  I am so proud of her. 
I cannot th  ank JoAnne Paulino enough for allowing me to use her CH Chanceux Some Like It Hot. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go.....

Monday morning and back at work! After 8 weeks off, it is tough getting back in to the routine of getting up, putting the dogs out, and getting things done in a hurry before work.  The dogs will learn to have a bit longer day inside again.

This past weekend I took in two shows in West Burlington, IA.  Friday, Asia was BOB with there being two male specials and another lovely bitch special.  I was happy.  Saturday, we were BOS.  I am thrilled with how well Asia has been doing.

The weather is taking a turn for the better with lower humidity and cooler temps.  Naturally I am back at work! 

Felix doing weave poles
This past Friday, Cheryl Brown wrote that she came home with Double Qualifying runs for both, Felix and Jackson!  She was very pleased as she had taken a leave of absence from AKC agility with the boys, but she feels they are working great.  Spencer had to watch his big 'brothers' compete.  Congratulations!

Monday, August 1, 2011


It's HOT!  This is my last week at home.  Next Monday, I'll be getting back into the swing of things at work!  What a great 7 weeks it has been!
I left on Thursday morning for Ohio.  It was not a good start with everything I touched spilling or falling apart!  I hate mornings like that and they seem to happen when I am in a hurry most!
On the road shortly after 9, I drove to Bloomington, IL to pick up Meg Peifer to start on another excellent adventure.
We arrived in Marion, OH, about 8:45.  We pottied dogs, fed dogs, unloaded and then had a quick bite to eat before settling down.  Friday morning, we had a leisurely morning, time to bath dogs before showing and find the show site.  It was a small entry, but a point available on both sides.  Style (Loteki It's A Good Hair Day) was WB for a point.  BOB was CH Loteki In The Heat Of The Moment.  We took the dogs back to the room after the group was over and set out to go shopping.  We had a good time looking and all sorts of things in different stores and having an excellent dinner at a local Mexican restaurant before heading back to the motel.  The dogs were quiet enjoy the cool. 
Saturday morning, Papillons were a bit earlier, shortly after 11 a.m.  WD/BOW was Vendi, Loteki Raffica Di Vento.  WB was Style and BOB was Asia.  What a day!  The Toy group was midway and we came away with a Group TWO!!! with many multiple BIS toys competing!  I was thrilled.  Asia is such a great show dog, two weekends as a special four BOBs and two group placements!
We stopped at local Papillon owners, Carrie & Ed Hutchman and Louis.  It was lovely to be able to visit their lovely home.  Louis looked fabulous.  He is a lucky dog with a great home! 
Taking the dogs back to the motel again, and off for another fun shopping excursion, after a couple hours, back to the motel, feed the dogs, and then to dinner.  After dinner we relaxed with some happy dogs!

Sunday's show time was again in the afternoon.  The sun was hot, but the humidity was down a bit.  Vendi was WD/BOW again.  Style was reserve.  Asia won a select.  Thankfully we did not have to stay for the group, we quickly pottied everyone, water and ice in the crates, and off we head towards home!  We were making great time until we got to the west side of Indianapolis, where everything stopped.  Apparently NASCAR had taken over Indianapolis with the Brickyard 400 and all the exits off I-465 were closed.  Temps top 101 while we were sitting on I-465 hoping to get off to go west on I-74.  Finally, after no help from the Garmen, or the actual road signs, we made an alternate navigation plan and headed off on I-65 with traffic moving right along until about 15 miles down the road three lanes came to a stop as far as the eye could see.  After looking at the map, I decided to go with my gut and got off at the exit and head the direction I wanted to go.  We went on some narrow two lane roads, which brought us back to I-65 three miles down the road, with traffic moving.  We were off again.  The traffic delays put us about an hour and 20 minutes behind, but we were safe, the dogs were cool and home was again on the horizon.
We arrived at Meg's about 7:45 p.m., we unloaded Meg's dogs and stuff quickly.  My dogs got a pottied break (me, too!), their supper, a quick stop for fuel and we were off again by 8:30. 
I pulled into the drive at 11:45, tired, but happy to be home.  I unloaded the dogs, who took several laps around the yard, got a drink, pottied and were ready to come in.  I said hello to everyone who stayed at home, including Eleanor who was loudly meowing at me, put the guys that were with me to bed and headed there my self, crawling into bed about 12:15 a.m.  It was great to be in my own bed!
Morning started at 6:15, lots to accomplish, including unloading, laundry, cleaning crates and getting settled back in from a long successful weekend.  Love to go, but it is so good to be home!

Monday, July 25, 2011

NEW UD! Loteki Just Blew Into Town UD

Mary Waller (MN) reports that Loteki Just Blew Into Town, a.k.a. Gunny earned two Utility legs at the Fargo, ND shows with TWO first places!  Gunny had two legs already, so this completed his Utility degree.
On to a UDX and possibly an OTCh?  Way to go Mary and Gunny!  I'm so proud of you!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


It was another good weekend!  Saturday, July 16th, Henri (Loteki Rose To The Throne) was WD and BOW to finish his championship!  He was number 4 for his dam, CH Loteki Rose From The Ashes, qualifying her for her Dam Of Merit award with the Papillon Club of America!  He is a handful, he will stay home a while a grow up a bit now.

Asia, CH Loteki In The Heat Of The Moment, won BOB over 3 male specials and 2 other bitch specials.  I was very pleased!
Asia going Group 3

Not to be out done, Donavin's One Gordita To Go Go Please, was WB, BOW, and BOS for her 2nd major on Saturday!  What a show dog!  She now will be sitting out the shows until after the Chihuahua National in October! Gordita is just 8.5 months old!

Sunday, Gina (Loteki Touch A Rose) won the BBE class and was reserve.  Asia repeated her BOB win, but this time there were 5 male specials and two bitch specials.  She also won a third in the group!  Meg Peifer took video of our time in the group, follow the link and you can see my beautiful girl -  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwrvS1YLMEU

The weather was HOT and STEAMY!  The van's thermometer registered 102 when we pulled out of the Qwest Center in Omaha!  I hope everyone had a great weekend and stayed cool!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Another great weekend

We had a busy week moving furniture out of the living room into a box truck in front of the house, so that Terry could lay the wood flooring in the living room.  What a lot of heavy lifting as well as dust being stirred up! 

On Friday, I left about noon to attend the Greater Chicagoland Papillon Club's specialties in DeKalb, IL. Friday's specialty started at 3:30 p.m. It was the first time I had been to one of the specialties since the flooding prevented me from attending in 2008.  I had Nelson and his daughter, Style, entered. Style was Reserve Winners Bitch. Nelson won an Award Of Merit.

I had a lovely dinner with friends after the show. I stayed with Patti Perkins, and we sat on her wonderful screened in porch and talked until late.

Best In Sweeps - Style
Saturday morning dawned lovely. After quick showers and a bite of breakfast, we were off to do some errands. Patti took me to a Master Gardner sale at the local Farm Bureau site. What a lovely choice of items to purchase at very, very reasonable prices! I found several hostas that 'needed' to come home with me!

Saturday after BIS at the all-breed show there was a second specialty show. Style started the day off with Best In Sweeps judged by Scott Perry, who has handled many Papillons over the years.

Style - WB, BOW, BOS - 5 points!

Gillian Hunn and friend, Doreen, from Canada were down to watch the fun.  Meg Peifer also came to watch.  At the specialty under breeder-judge, Jon Titus Steele, Style won the Bred-By Exhibitor class and went on to winning Winners Bitch for 4 points! Hurray! I recruited Meg Peifer to show her in the breed, since I had Nelson. After a very thorough examination and many laps around the ring, Mr. Steele pulled a dog special out, then Meg with Style and then Nelson, and his other selections. Ms. Style was BOW AND BOS over FIVE bitch specials for a 5 point major win! Nelson was Select Dog!

The five of us went out for a late dinner.  After dinner everyone went back to Patti's for some more chatting.  Gillian and Doreen went back to their hotel room.  Patti, Meg and I chatted for a while longer and then went up to bed. 

Sunday morning dawned very humid.  Patti had invited Gillian and Doreen back for coffee, so they arrived around 8.  We left for breakfast about 9, but first we were given a marvelous tour of the University of Northern Illinois campus, including a special project of Patti's the restoration of Altgeld Hall.  The building was beautiful!  The restoration was breath taking!  The details were incredible!  We did a short walk around to look at some of the art located on campus and then off for breakfast!  After breakfast, we did a bit more touring, to other projects and more of the campus and then back to Patti's for more chatting.  Sadly the day was getting away, Meg headed home and then I.  
What a wonderful weekend with old friends and new friends.  It did not hurt to come home with a 5 point major...two weekends in a row!

Monday, July 4, 2011

A heavy heart

With a tears streaming down my face and a very heavy heart, I read the email I never wanted to receive from my dear long-time friend, Taeko Suga.  "Squeak passed away."

CH Loteki Good For Her
April 11, 1994 - July 4, 2011
17 years, 2 months and 23 days old

Squeak was a part of the Suga family of Toyko, Japan.  She lived the life of a treasured family member.  I know she always had the best of everything.  My heart breaks, but I know that my good friend, Taeko and her family are suffering more from the loss of their family member.

Good bye, Squeak, I know you are playing with your rugby ball!


Happy 4th of July

I hope everyone is celebrating the birth of our nation today.  We need to hold precious the rights our forefathers set out as a premise of this country - Freedom of Speech, the Press, and Religion.

I went to Chihuahua specialties over the weekend in Illinois with Gordita's breeder, Donna Erickson.  We had a lovely time despite the oppressive heat and humidity.  Thankfully the venue was air conditioned!  The club put on a luncheon for all exhibitors both days, which is always so very nice!

Best in Sweeps
Saturday Gordita (Donavin's One Gordita To Go Go Please) won her 6-9 class in Sweeps and went on to Best of Opposite Sex to Best LC in Sweeps.  She also won her 6-9 regular class and on to Reserve Winner's Bitch under judge, Cathy Gish.  We were happy. 

Saturday night the club held a banquet and a fun auction.  An enjoyable evening!

Sunday dawned a bit cooler.  Gordita again won her 6-9 sweeps class, but today she went on to Best Long-Coat puppy and then on to Best In Sweeps Chihuahua!!!  What a thrill!  I was floating on air with this lovely win.  

BOW for FIVE points
In the regular classes, Gordita gain won her 6-9 class.  She was showing very well.  We went in for WB.  She decided she was in a frisky mood and wanted to get to the other Chihuahua's in the ring on her down and back.  I finally got her attention and managed to get her to complete her 'back'.  We went around the ring a couple more times.  As we were lined up and the judge was studying each of the little girls' outlines, Mr. Bradley Jenkins, a Chihuahua breeder, walked over and pointed to us!!!!  WOW!  I couldn't believe it!  I was very surprised.  Donna was surprised, too!  We both were just a bit emotional over the win!  What a great win for our little girl!  We finished up the day with BOW for 5 points!  What a thrill for her to have such a lovely win.  I received many nice compliments, as well as several people offering to steal her away!  We floated home with big smiles, lots of nice prizes, including crate pads and beds, as well as a tall stack of rosettes!

Meg Peifer took some videos and has uploaded them to YouTube.  Here is the link -

Next weekend I'm off to the Chicagoland Papillon specialties.  Crossing my fingers for more good news! 

Enjoy your week!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Great weekend at the dog shows

I had a great weekend at the Cambridge, MN shows.  There are four shows at one site.  Often times the weather is so hot, but this year it was as perfect as one could ask for.

In the rain on Wednesday, I did laundry, packed, loaded and washed a large number of dogs.  I did not get on the road until about 2.5 hours later than I had planned, but everything worked out.

Thursday, Gretchen and I headed to the dog show bright and early to help by stewarding.  The temps were quite chilly.  The club was quite proactive in providing handwarmers and gloves!  Papillons showed in the afternoon.  I was thrilled to have Loteki In The Heat Of The Moment win WB, BOW and BOS for a major.  She completed the requirements for her championship.  Asia has become one heck of a show dog!  I also had entered Nelson, (CH Loteki For The Good Of Mankind), who was Select Dog.

Friday morning dawned overcast but a bit warmer.  Min Pins were at 8:15, so we left about 6:40 for the shows.  Papillons were about 2:00, we managed to set up a washing station and give the Papillons a bath and blow dry, through the courtesy of some wonderful dog show friends.  Today was another great day, as Loteki Rose To The Throne was WD, BOW for a major, his second!  BOB went to Nelson for a second major towards his Grand and Asia was BOS for her first major towards her Grand Championship!  Nelson got a pull in the group, which is always nice!

Saturday morning dawned partly cloudy and another day on the road to the show by 6:45 a.m.  The Min Pin specialty was Saturday night, but we had to set up their raffle, which is always a fun time with some really nice prizes!  After getting the raffle set up I went off to steward for a couple hours in one of the hound rings.  Papillons were again mid-afternoon.  WB was Loteki Touch A Rose for a major!  YEA, Gina!!!  Nelson was Select.  Asia was BOS for her 2nd major towards her grandchampionship!  Kelli Alseth had driven down so I was able to visit a bit with her!  It's been far too long! 

I had my first judging experience and judged the BBE group!  Although initially I had butterflies in my stomach, it went well.  My BBE group winner was Lisa Pertile's Phalene bitch, Alasera's Catch Me If U Can OA OAJ.   

The Min Pin specialty was after BIS, so after picking up and putting tables away, it was 7:45 p.m. when we drove back home.  We bathed my Papillons and crawled into bed about 11:30 p.m. 

Sunday morning dawned far too early.  I headed off to steward for a couple hours. While I was stewarding, the Alseths did a bit of puppy sitting.  After stewarding, I walked out to see the Alseths who had brought their motorhome.  It was great to see Jeffrey, who had been shooting a wedding on Saturday.  We visited a bit and then we went out to shoot some photos of some of my kids.

Papillons were on again about 2:00, by this time Kerstin Hokanson showed up with Kate Gustafson, whom I had not seen in a very long time!  Henri was WD for two points, with both, Nelson and Asia winning the Selects!  One more point to complete his championship requirements!

What a great weekend.  The weather was wonderful.  The people were fabulous and it did not hurt to go home with three majors, a new champion, and two dogs well on their way to their Grand Championships!  BUT it was so good to get home and sleep in my own bed!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

AKC Agility

From Cheryl Brown (TN) reports from their first AKC trial since Jan 2010, on June 17 & 18 in Paducah, KY. 

They did not come away with any Double Q's but close each day.  "On Friday, Felix was easily cruising to a double Q and I didn't support one of the closing jumps well enough and he went around it. Oops! My fault!"

Saturday, Jackson was sailing towards a double Q but Cheryl bent over and sent him into the wrong end of a tunnel. Oh no! 
Felix was the only 4" dog running Excellent, since the other two dogs scratched. So, he did get first place for both of his runs. He ran well though and seemed really happy to running full-out again after all the TDAA trials.

Jackson didn't have much competition on Friday and then everyone came in for the weekend on Saturday. He did get first place on Friday, beating a MACH Bichon by 5 seconds.  With the mulipliers in effect, he brought home 34 points on that one run!  SUPER!  On Saturday, he Q'ed again in Standard and ran very well, earning another 12 pts. but no placement."

A good weekend overall!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!

A great weekend away!  Lots of news!

After several days of intense heat and humidity last week, Thursday and Friday we received inches of rain and cooler temperatures.  Saturday morning was cool and damp again, off to work for the last ACT of the year.  I got off work at noon, came home, bathed the puppies, loaded the van and off to Minnesota for a birthday picnic at my friend, Gretchen Hofhein-Wackerfuss.  We have celebrated our birthdays together for several years, her's on the 7th and mine on the 11th.  I arrived about 6:15 in time for hamburgers fresh off the grill!  Yum!  I was hungry.  She had purchased a fabulous cake from a special bakery in Minneapolis.  My friend, Donna Erickson, brought a special bottle of wine, too.  What a lovely relaxing evening.

Sunday morning, I got up and bathed and groomed my dogs for the show.  We were not in the ring until after 1:15.  Once the dogs were bathed and groomed, it was my turn.  Then, Gretchen fixed us both some eggs and toast!  Yum, it really hit the spot!

We left for the show, picked up her father and arrived shortly after noon. 

I had a great day at the show with my Chihuahua, Donavins One Gordita To Go Go Please, was WB and BOS for another point at her 4th show.  She has been shown 4 times, 3 BOBs and 1 BOS, and a total of 4 points now!

Papillons were right after Long Coats.  Henri, Loteki Rose To The Throne, was his typical ADHD self, a bit out of control, but I was able to get him together a bit, and finally get him under control for a beautiful last go around.  He was WD for a point.  Next in was Asia, Loteki In The Heat Of The Moment, she won the BBE class and was WB, BOW, BOS for a point, closing in on the championship, one more to go!  Last but not least, I showed Nelson, a.k.a.  CH Loteki For The Good Of Mankind, who was BOB! 

At the show was Mary Waller *MN) and Loteki Just Blew Into Town CDX, a.k.a. Gunny, showed up at the Pap ring before we showed.  They had great news, Gunny, as earned two utility legs, with scores in the 190s!  Way to go Gunny!  Unfortunately, much to Mary's chagrin, Gunny decided to take the bar jump twice or would have had his third leg!  I am sure they will earn that title very soon!

Kerstin Hokanson, another Gemini, showed up ringside too.  It's been a while since I've seen Kerstin, but it is always wonderful to have a chance to visit.

Amy Nesselrodt (PA) wrote that her daughter, Molly (age 11) and Pippin, a.k.a. Loteki High Flyer NA NJ NJP NAP finished Pippin's Open Agility Preferred title with a FIRST PLACE at the Williamsport Dog Training Club agility trial on Sunday.  Molly and Pippin have turned into quite a team!  Congratulations! 

I am now a woman of 'leisure' for the next 8 weeks, so off to start my long list of 'to do', first to pot my flowers and a few more vegetables!  Today looks beautiful!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

TDAA weekend in Tennessee

From Cheryl Brown, "Jackson was perfect on Saturday!  He got his TACh4 (25 Standard and 25 Games Q's past TACh3) and Q'ed every one of his 5 runs (3 Standards and 2 Games).

On Sunday, he took a vacation and decided to only Q once. :) Felix got a slow start on Saturday with only 2 Standard Q's and 1 Games Q but then did great on Sunday and got 2 more Standard Q's and 1 more Games Q. 

I was really proud of the Fee on the last game--Four-Leaf Clover. I did a lead out, leaving him on a sit-stay and walked out past 4 jumps in a straight line. He held his stay and came right to me over the 4 jumps. What a good Fee! The rest of the game had you stay within the center of the "leaves of the clover" and send the dog over a jump into a tunnel without passing the jump. Fee did that 4 times! He was perfect!"

Sounds like a great weekend, I stayed home from shows and did some work around the house.  Sunday we had a major storm move through and lost electricity for about 5 hours.  Back to work on Tuesday morning.....only a 4 day work week, YES!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A lot of news

I've been remiss on reporting the comings and goings of Loteki Papillons for the last several weeks. 

The last weekend of April, Jeannine Rash (PA) had a great weekend showing in obedience.  Nicholas (OTCh CH Loteki Ima Firecracker OM2) had sustained an injury and it was his first shows back.  Jeannine showed him in utility two days and he still managed a 4th and a 3rd place.  "The third day he did a great job and went clean and won the class over some really nice dogs. he has beaten 3 top 25 dogs last year for Otch points in the last 4 shows."  He also tried Open for the first time in a while, while he did touch the front board on the broad jump--but he won second in Open. he came home with 21 points. He's up to 181."  What a great comeback weekend!  Congratulations!

The weekend of April 30-May 1st, Cheryl Brown (TN) attended "the TDAA trial in Simpsonville, KY just outside Louisville at the Superdog Dog Center there (nice facilty with spongy agility matting)   On Saturday, Felix was perfect with 2 Standard Q's and 3 Games Q's. On Saturday, he was shaking his head some and seemed off his game. He refused a teeter on one Standard run and took a wrong course into a tunnel on another run. So, he only had one Standard Q and 2 Games Q's on Sunday. 7 of 9 Q's for the weekend. He needs 10 more Standard Q's and 11 more Games Q's for his TACh4.

Jackson did very well when he did Q! :) He Q'ed in three of the 5 Standard runs and had a first place in two of those runs and a 3rd in the other. He Q'ed in all 5 of the Games over the weekend and earned 1st place in two of the five games. He needs 9 more Standard Q's for his TACh4. (He already has his Games Q towards that title.)

Jackson earned his TMAG7 and TAM6 and Felix earned his TAM 6 at that trial. A TMAG is a games title and represents 70 Q's past the Games 3 title. A TAM is the Standard equivalent and a TAM6 is 60 Q's past the TSAD."  What a great weekend!  Two in a row for Cheryl and her boys!
I went to shows in Marshalltown, where there was no competition in Paps, so no points, but I picked up my new Long-coat Chihuahua puppy bitch, Donavins One Gordita To Go Go Please.  She was BOB both days for a point each day.  What fun!

Mother's Day weekend, Molly and Amy Nesselrodt, spent it together attending the Mount Nittany Dog Training Club Agility Trial on Saturday.  Molly and Pippin qualified in their Open Jumpers class for a first place ribbon and a second Q toward that title (they need three to get the Open Jumpers title). In their first try ever in Open Standard, they qualified with a clean run and a very fast time for a Q and a first place ribbon.  Way to go, Molly and Pippin!!!  Congratulations!

On Friday morning, May 13th, our family suffered the loss of Lena, as I posted previously, but I was not allowed to mourn too long, as Rose (CH Loteki Rose From The Ashes) presented me with three beautifully marked, healthy red boys.  All are doing fabulously! 

I went to the Sunday show in Rock Island May 15th, no points again in Papillons, although Gina (Loteki Touch A Rose) beat her sister, CH Loteki Down The Garden Path for BOB so she got a point.  I showed Gordita to BOB, another point, and showed her in the group.  She is a lot of fun!  We received a lot of attention together, along with some very nice comments!

This past weekend Terry and I left Friday night after work to go to Dan and Marlene Edgerton's home in Leavenworth, KS.  We arrive quite late, but safely, pottied dogs and went to bed.  Saturday morning, Marlene helped me bath my two entries, Henri (Loteki Rose To The Throne) and Asia (Loteki In The Heat Of The Moment).  After a wonderful breakfast prepared by Dan, we all went off to the show.  Henri won WD and BOW for two points!  I think he is finally getting the hang of this dog show thing and actually going on lead pretty well, as well as paying attention, showing and baiting!  We went to lunch and then back to the Edgertons to enjoy a relaxing afternoon with the dogs having a great time playing.  Saturday evening we went to dinner, when we came out of the restuarant the sirens were blaring, TORNADO WARNING!  We quickly made it back to the Edgerton's brought all the dogs into the house in the hall way and proceeded to watch the weather for the next couple of hours.  Luckily although there was many scary clouds and some wind, the Edgertons were totally missed.  There were others not so lucky in southern Missouri.

Sunday morning, back to the show, Henri was once again WD for a major!  Asia was WB, BOW and BOS for her second major!  Judy Ingrasin came to the show and we had a nice lunch together afterwards.  Judy video taped some of the judging, so hopefully I will have a link to post soon!  It was so very nice to see Judy and do some catching up, like comparing grandchildren photos and stories.  I hope we will do it more.

After lunch back to the Edgertons to pack up and head home.  What a great weekend with wonderful people and the wins did not hurt!  We did get a call about severe weather in our area, but we were behind it.  Thankfully there was just a lot of wind and rain at home, the dogs were happy to be home and so were we!  What a lovely, lovely weekend.

Friday, May 13, 2011

CH Loteki As Good As It Gets

CH Loteki As Good As It Gets


May 18, 1998 - May 13, 2011

 The dreaded Friday, the 13th.....

When I went to bring the dogs in before work, Lena was sitting in the middle of the patio with her head up and her mouth slightly open. My heart cracked into a million pieces with just one look. I knew where this was going in my head, but my heart did not want to acquiesce to my head. She had been fine last night, she ate her supper, she demanded her time on the couch, and she jumped on it and snuggled in to watch a movie. In a desperate attempt my heart kept saying there has to be something to do to make her comfortable, to help her breath, to make her feel like her ole self.............my head knew it wasn't so.

Lena is gone now. Her place on the bed is now empty.

Lena is one of the three "Goodie girls". She and her littermates were the last litter of CH Loteki By Good Fortune. What a fabulous threesome they were. They turned heads at Papillon events. Each one of them was a beauty, each one of them was a wonderful dog in their own right, but THREE in the same litter, that was incredible! All finishing their championships with multiple BOBs over specials and two 5-point majors on the way to their titles.

Lena was a gentle soul.  She had a regal air about her.  Her outline and poise were outstanding.  She was one of those dogs you just love.  She made you because she was a dear dog.  Her name says it all, she lived up to her name without hesitation or pause in all aspects, she was 'as good as it gets'.

Lena was one CH short of her Dam of Distinction award. Three of her sons, all by different sires, make up the beautiful tri trio on the red velvet couch that has been the inspiration for so many individuals and graces several of my ads and my web site. It is a simply smashingly beautiful trio. Thankfully, I have her children and grandchildren, thankfully, I was graced with her for just short of 13 years.

 Lena moved into the role of matriarch very easily. She came from a long line of queens of the household. I am going to miss her demanding bark, letting us know she was done with her dinner and she wanted to come sit on the couch - NOW! How I will miss her snuggling up right next to me in bed or on the couch, oh how, she loved to be close.

 We love you, Lena. We love you.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Home from the National and a new champion

It's good to be home!
I left Tuesday about 3:00 in the midst of rain.  It poured about 45 minutes on my way, so much so I had to pull of the interstate.  I got to Meg Peifer's home in Bloomington, loaded her up and her dogs and on our way to Nashville our stopping point.
The rain continued with lightening, thunder, hail and straight line winds, as well as continued downpours.  We saw numerous semis on their sides in the ditches, we made our way slowly, arriving in Nashville about 3:30.
We pottied dogs quickly and went to bed.
We spent a leisurely morning with Ellen Akers Perry and headed to Chattanooga about noon, arriving at 3:00 p.m (eastern).  The weather was warm and humid.
We got checked into our room and then ate at the hotel.
The National was one of the smallest entries in many, many years.  We arrived in time to watch the bitch judging and BOB.
Friday, we headed north to Terre Haute, IN, after BOB was over. I had an excited text from Cheryl Brown, who was in Terre Haute already, that Spencer (Loteki The Winds Of Change) had went BOB from the 12-18 class over two specials for 2 points with Cheryl handling!  She was so excited! We arrived in Terre Haute about 9, checked in to our motel and settled in.
Saturday morning we headed off to the show site under cloudy skies.  Papillons were early.  Spencer was WD and BOW and Asia (Loteki In The Heat Of The Moment) was WB.  Hillary (CH Loteki Down The Garden Path) was BOS.  We had a full afternoon to hang out, so we went shopping.  We headed back to the show site to watch and support the Papillon in the group.  
Janet Wallace came to hang out too.  So we all headed off to dinner, adding Rosemarie Williamson, the five of us had a great time laughing and eating.  Our sides hurt and cheeks hurt from laughing!  What a great evening!
Sunday morning dawned with pouring rain, ugh, the Papillons really hated the wet.  Thankfully it stopped before noon and remained overcast.  We were in the ring about 1:15.  Spencer was WD again and on to BOW and BOB.  Asia was WB and BOS, with Hillary winning the Select Bitch.  Spencer finished his Championship with this win.  We were all very happy!  I showed Spencer in a very tough group and managed a 5th!  What a nice wind up of the weekend.  We each headed home under cloudy but dry skies, Cheryl with her new champion, and Meg and I with great memories!  After dropping Meg off in Bloomington, I headed on down the road, actually seeing the sun peek through the clouds a couple of times and arriving about 8:15 p.m.
How great it is to be home again!   

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More show news

Terry and I went to the DeWitt show on April 2nd.  The wind was cold, but it is definitely spring.  We had good results with Henri winning another point.  Asia won the bitch points and was BOW and BOS.  Hillary was Select so also got a point.  We had lunch provided by the 4-H club with friends and went home. 

When we came home, Terry worked on the guest bedroom, which has slowed due to unforeseen findings when we pulled up the carpet, but the room and ceiling is painted so once the closet is painted the flooring will go down.  I cannot wait to have another room done with my beautiful new wood floors!

Cheryl Brown (TN) wrote of her boys at the Teacup Agility trial, held on Saturday, April 9th, "It was a perfect day for our Felix at the TDAA trial today.  The sweet boy Q'ed in all 5 of his runs (3 Games and 2 Standards).  I messed up Jackson in one run and he messed up in another and so he only Q'ed in the 3 Games." 

Sunday they had yet another trial,  "Fee had another perfect day!" Felix Q'ed in all 9 of his runs.

I drove to DeKalb after work on Saturday.  (ACT test day!)  I had an absolutely lovely evening at my friend, Patti Perkins' home.  Other guests were Annemarie Dehicke and her sister, Pat O'Toole.  Annemarie has my dear Royce, who love the life of an only dog!  It was wonderful to see everyone.  We had a leisure dinner, and then watched to the dogs play.  My three did their best to entertain!  They had so much fun with the Perkins dogs' toy box!   Sunday morning we all went to the dog show.  It was quite humid and warm with severe storms predicted for the day. 

Asia was WB and BOW for another point and Hillary was BOS.  Patti was pressed into service to take Asia back in.  It was her first time experience.  She did very well, but given a lesson on holding the lead by our judge.  Everyone was smiling and enjoying the time.

We visited a bit more had brunch and I drove home without incident. 

Terry had tilled up the new garden, so it is now ready to plant.  We went out to dinner with my sister, Susan and her husband.  The weather changed and the humidity and threat of storms had passed us. 

I have been watching the eagle cam in Decorah with three eaglets each day.  Enjoy!  http://www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles

Monday, April 11, 2011

Squeak's 17th Birthday

CH Loteki Good For Her turns 17 years old today.  "Squeak" lives in Toyko, Japan with her owner, Taeko Suga and her family.  Squeak enjoys a very good life as the so loved and well taken care of family member.
Here she is on her birthday with a new bed, flowers, and a crown. She looks like she wants to take a nap!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Show weekend

I went to dog shows this weekend.  It seems a strange statement for me of late, I went to two weekends of shows in January and have been home since then. 
It was a chilly end of March weekend, but sunny with no perceptation.  Early show times had me getting up very early!
Saturday morning, I had company with Danielle, Adam and Trinity making the trip with me to Dubuque.  Trinity helped me in the ring, while Danielle slept in the van after putting in a 12 hour shift on Friday night/Saturday morning.  After I was done showing I took them to the Mississippi River Museum, and I went back to take six of my Papillons to the eye clinic held in conjunction with the dog show, with all positive results!
Henri, a.k.a. Loteki Rose To The Throne, was WD/BOW at his 2nd show.  WB was Asia (Loteki In The Heat Of The Moment) and BOS was Hillary (CH Loteki Down The Garden Path).  It was a small show, with one point available, but Henri is just starting and needs everything!  Asia needs singles.
After several hours at the museum, we all went out to lunch and then drove home.
Sunday morning was 8:00 show time, luckily Terry went with me.  Henri and Asia were WD and WB, again.  Asia went on to BOW and BOS over Hillary.  Hillary got a select, so she is well on her way to her Grand Championship.
Sunday was another lovely chilly but sunny day.  The dogs enjoyed the sunshine. It was a nice weekend, but how out of 'shape' I am, having an almost 5 month lay off from shows certainly has me not in the 'swing' of things!  I am sure I will have ample opportunity to get back in to the groove with warmer weather on the horizon.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dexter earns his OTCH!!! WITH a TWO HUNDRED score

A very excited DiAnne Dingmann called tonight to say that Dexter, a.k.a. Loteki He's On Fire, UDX3, OM3, RN, won the Open B class today under judge Richard Mullen in Garden City, KS.   With this win, Dexter earned is Obedience Trial Champion title.  He did it up BIG with a 200!!! 

This was DiAnne's first 200 score.  She is very excited and proud!  What an absolutely fabulous day!  Congratulations!

Dexter is littermates to CH Loteki Ima Natural and Loteki Playing With Fire UD.

Dexter is the ninth OTCh Papillon bred by Loteki Papillons.  I am very, very proud of the accomplishments of DiAnne and Dexter, as well as the other 8 Papillons and owners/trainers that went before him!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Felix earned is TACh3 title with is first run on Saturday!  WOW! 

Chery Brown (TN) writes - "Both boys were perfect today and Q'ed in all 4 of their runs. Jackson got one 1st place in Standard, a 2nd place in Standard, and a 3rd place in one of the two games. Fee got a 3rd place on the Standard where Jackson got the 1st place. Most of the dogs there didn't Q on that course but my guys did. :)
Judge with Cheryl & TACh3 Felix!

We have 4 more runs tomorrow. Both guys are working on their TACh4 titles. I was thinking that my goal for Fee was a TACh3 but he has that and I see no reason to stop running him. He is perfectly fine. Great knees. Healthy. I think he likes it. He comes right out of the crate to do his runs and dances back to his crate for his treat. So, TACh4, here we come! We need 25 Standard Q's and 25 Games Q's for that. I think he can get it this year."

Way to go FELIX, JACKSON and Cheryl!!  Congratulations!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Agility news

From Cheryl Brown (TN) - "We went to agility trials last weekend in Cumming, GA.  Her Loteki Total Windfall, a.k.a., Felix needed 5 Standard Q's and 3 Games Q's for his TACh3. There were 6 Standards offered and 4 Games. So, Fee had to Q in Standard 5 of the 6 runs and in all 3 of the Games to finish his title.

Saturday, Fee Q'ed the first game, Connect the Dots. He Q'ed the first Standard run. He Q'ed the second Standard run. He Q'ed the next game, Quidditch. Then, he was 2 seconds overtime in the 3rd Standard run. The pressure was on. He had to be perfect on Sunday to get the title.

Jackson with his HIT rosette

On Sunday, the first class was his third game. He had to Q. It was Dare to Double or Triple where the A-frame is the doubling obstacle and the weaves are the tripling obstacle. Felix is as reliable as the day is long and will never miss a weave pole. But, he isn't fast so we went for the triple. I planned to do the weaves three times and then head across the ring over one jump and then the A-frame and to the table to stop the clock. Great strategy for Fee and he would have Q'ed and made time. Then, the brain glitch occurred! After the weaves, Fee went around the jump and I let him. He took the A-frame and another jump and went to the table. NQ! AAAAARGH! The rules (that I forgot) said that you had to take an obstacle between the tripling and the doubling obstacles. So, he had to take that jump. If I had been thinking (and I wasn't), I could have gone back and fixed it and asked him again to take the jump, then take the A-frame and we would still have had enough time to Q. ALL MY FAULT!

Then, he Q'ed on the next two Standard runs. So, he needed one Standard and one Game for the title. Do I enter him in the distance challenge game to see if he can do it and keep alive the possibility of the TACh3 yesterday? I looked at the course. I walked the course. I decided that I didn't want to be so far away from Fee on the A-frame without being able to be in front of him. So, no TACh3 yesterday. He Q'ed the last Standard run of the day. So, that one brain glitch cost him the title yesterday. He was perfect. I wasn't.

Another trial next weekend, he should Q on the first game and get his TACh3.

Jackson had a great weekend too. He also went 7 for 9 with two Standard first places and he went High in Trial on Saturday."

Sounds like a great weekend to me!  I hope your next trial is successful and Felix earns his TACh3!


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