Friday, February 26, 2010


The past weekend, I ventured out to my first dog show since fracturing my plateau tibia on December 29.  I was lucky enough to have a great helper, my granddaughter, Trinity.  She helped me with a lot.  We counted cars in the ditch on the drive to Des Moines, with a total of 25 cars and one semi littering the ditches.   
We arrived at the Iowa State Fairgrounds to discover some major construction going on, as well as a large cattle show, with more pickups parked along the streets and parking lots than I think I have ever witnessed!  So finding a parking spot close by was a trick, but we did manage to.
Papillons were late on Saturday, which was a blessing after receiving snow overnight as well as a foggy beginning to the morning.  I showed my Loteki Crown of Roses to Winners Bitch.  I did not feel I could go back in the ring, and since she had already won the major, I asked someone else to take her in for BOB, Sissy Klein agreed and did a FABULOUS JOB, as judge Nancy Hafner put her BEST OF BREED!  What a great feeling!   Rob Meerdink helped me by showing Posey in the group, they looked very nice.
The Papillon Club of Iowa had their 2nd B match after BIS was over.  Trinity agreed to show a puppy as well as an adult.  She choose 9 month old Loteki Touch A Rose.  There were 5 red/sable puppy bitches in her class.  Trinity and Gina came out the winners.  They went on to BIM.  Trinity was so pleased, she does look happy, doesn't she?
The next day we showed again.  Loteki Crown of Roses was WB and BOS for another major!  YIPPPEEE!  She needs just a few singles to finish! 
It was a great weekend at the shows, although I came home exhausted!  Trinity had a good time! 
Posey and Gina are half sisters out of the same mother - CH Loteki Rose From The Ashes! 

Monday, February 22, 2010

RAE leg #7 for Mr. Fee!

Cheryl Brown writes, she and the boys have returned from Decatur, AL (near Huntsville) where Felix (Loteki Total Windfall) showed in Excellent B and Advanced B. He qualified in both, earning his 7th RAE leg. Only 3 more to go!
CONGRATULATIONS!  We are crossing fingers for those next three legs!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I am very excited to report that Phoebe, a.k.a. Loteki Im Royalty, has picked up back to back majors in Atlanta.  She is within a point of finishing her title!  YIPPEEE!!!
Many thanks to Ellen Perry for her hard work, handling and grooming talents, faith, and friendship! 
I am so stoked today! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Cheryl Brown (TN) very excitedly reported that Jackson (CH Loteki Civil Liberties) double-Q'ed today!!!! That is his first double-Q since last March. He has 4 now.

Cheryl and the boys are settling into their new home in Franklin and did have to deal with snow this past weekend, something very unusual for the Nashville area. 
