Monday, June 22, 2009


Loteki Inherit The Wind completed the requirements for his championship title in Cambridge, MN, under judge Edd Bivin! All Regal's wins were from the Bred-By Exhibitor Class. Here he is my beautiful boy -

Loteki The Heiress won her 2nd major on Friday at the Cambridge cluster under judge Michael Dachel, also from the Bred-By Exhibitor class. Paris was not being cooperative during the photos, so she was photographed in my arms - PANTING! It was so very warm!

At the Cambridge shows, I helped friend, Gretchen Hofheins-Wackerfuss with her Min Pins and went WD with her young black and tan dog at the local Min Pin club's specialty on Saturday night.
It was a good time to see all my friends in Minnesota, who I have not seen for over six months! I hope that I will be heading that way again soon!

Jeannine Rash called to say that Nicholas (Loteki Ima Firecracker CD, RN) picked up another single on Sunday, so closing in on that CH title. She also had news about OTCh CH Loteki Surprise Party UDX winning HIT on Saturday! She had a great weekend.

Danielle, Stephanie and Sophia took Terry out for Father's Day on Saturday night. Clay was in Texas visiting his parents after an interview there on Friday, so missed the festivities. I wish I had a photo of Terry and his 'girls'.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Weekend Trip to Cape Cod

Monique Johannet (MA) wrote about the Memorial Day trip to Cape Cod with CH Loteki Ima Natural. This was Gizelle's first trip to the ocean.
Moniqure wrote, "Just wanted to let you know that little miss Ima Natural is Ima Natural Beach Girl... We took her to the Cape last wkend, brought her down to the beach, and she was off to explore this intriguing new environment. It took her a while to catch on that there was a vast and impressive body of water nearby, but no problem - when she noticed, she waded in up to her armpits, waves and all. I mean, I'm talking about the Atlantic Ocean. I'm glad she didn't go any further!
She also found the fiddler crabs that Eliza had loved to harrass (poor things; just when they thought it was safe to come back out, there's another papillon on the beach) and had a wonderful time trying to figure them out - might be better than squirrels!
Most endearing moment: there's a tidal "river" that drains out of a marsh as the tide goes out (more like a stream; it's only an inch or two deep). One day Gizelle went in, put her nose under, and came out with a shell in her mouth that she dropped at my feet. I'm going to try to drill a hole in it and make her a little shell necklace!"


Loteki Total Windfall, a.k.a., Felix, added MJP3 to his name on Saturday, May 30th, at the Derby City Agility Association trial near Louisville. He got 1st place (5 4" dogs ran) and ran the course in regular time (5 seconds under Preferred time).
Cheryl Geer was very proud of him! An MJP3 title means that a dog must qualify in Excellent Jumpers 33 times! Congratulaions to Cheryl & Felix! Isn't he just beautiful and that fringe! My goodness it is so dramatic!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Good news from Donna Scott - Tug is now CH Loteki Just Plain Outrageous! Donna's husband, Don, handled Tug to his championshp for the majority of his wins! Congratulations! Doesn't Don look very proud!?!!! See his grinning! WAY TO GO TEAM TUG!
