Thursday, April 30, 2009

Obedience news from Mississippi

Mary Gail Holcombe (MS) wrote that Loteki Just A Gentleman CDX RE has qualified several times in Open B and was fourth in Open B last weekend (April 25) in Montgomery. Which was the first placement in a B class. They are still working on getting ready for Utility. Rascal knows all the exercises, it is just a matter of being sharper and more consistent. They are hoping to enter some Wild Card classes during the summer and the real thing in the fall. Good luck, Mary Gail & Rascal! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some exciting news!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mid-April news

April 18 & 19, Terry and I went to the Waterloo KC shows. We brought home the point in each sex each day for a total of 2 for Regal (Loteki Inherit The Wind) and 2 for Paris (Loteki The Heiress). It was great to have Terry along. He even showed dogs on Saturday! The weather was cool and wet, it was nice to have an extra pair hands with me!
On Saturday, April 25th, Cheryl Geer (TN) had a long day at the rally/obedience trial with good results. Felix qualified in Rally Excellent B and Advanced B with scores of 92 in each class. That's his 4th RAE leg - 6 to go!
Jackson showed in Wildcard Novice, electing off-leash heeling as his wildcard.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The first week of April

Cheryl Geer wrote that she attended her first Teacup Agility Association trial which was held at the Nashville Dog Training Club building very close to her home. It was their first try at Teacup Agility and they had some great results! They boys came back with titles and everyone had a lot of fun. Both Jackson and Felix finished their TBAD titles (Teacup Beginner Agility Dog) and both earned one leg on their TG1 title (Teacup Games I).

I drove to DeKalb, IL, for shows, with great results on Saturday. Loteki Just Plain Outrageous was WD for 3 points. Loteki The Heiress was WB/BOW/BOS for her first major! Tug came home with me from Louisville and we had a great time. He's quite the little show dog and shows his enthusiasm with his leaps in the air. Two more points to go to achieve his CH! Keeping my fingers crossed.

Paris is coming along beautiful, although she would prefer just sitting in my lap or being held! After an absolute beautiful day on Saturday, Sunday turned into winter one more time with bitter wind and snow on the drive home.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rally and conformation news

Cheryl Geer wrote that she showed her boys, Felix and Jackson at the Nashville rally/obedience trial this past weekend only one day. Felix showed in Rally and got his 3rd RAE leg. Jackson showed in Pre-novice and qualified, but not with a great score. It was good to know where he was thus far with training.

I showed at the Clinton Iowa KC show on Saturday (3/28/09). Terry went with me, actually, he took me and helped out in the ring! He took Regal (Loteki Inherit The Wind) back in for Winners and went WD! He also showed in the breed, this time with some chicken in his pocket and won BOW! I showed Nelson (CH Loteki For The Good Of Mankind) to BOB! What fun! We stayed for the group watching first, sleet, then snow and then sleet again. The drive home was fun, as there were many cars in the ditch. I opted not to try to make the trip to DeWitt early Sunday morning, which dawned with 3 inches of snow on top of the sleet. It did mostly melt by 5:00 p.m.

Thursday, April 2, Tammie Larson let me know that Vinnie (Loteki Vincent Van Gogh) completed the requirements for his championship at the Toy show in Wichita, KS! Vinnie is owned by Alex Larson and myself. Alex's dad, Greg, showed Vinnie for us. Tammie & Greg are ISTA ShihTzu -
Vinnie was Winner's Dog at the Tulsa Papillon Specialty this past October! Thank you, Greg, for showing Vinnie for Alex and I!
